Short-Throw Vs Long-Throw Projectors

July 21, 2021


Projectors have revolutionized the way we deliver presentations, watch movies, and play video games. However, with so many different types of projectors on the market, it can be challenging to decide which one is right for you. Two common types of projectors are short-throw and long-throw projectors. In this blog post, we'll compare these two types of projectors, highlighting their differences and similarities, and providing factual information to help you make an informed decision.

Short-Throw Projectors

A short-throw projector is designed to project images over short distances, typically less than 10 feet away from the screen. Short-throw projectors are ideal for small rooms or environments where space is limited. These projectors can sit on a table or be installed on a ceiling mount and still project a large image. Short-throw projectors typically have a throw ratio of less than 0.4:1, which means that they can project a 100-inch diagonal image from just 4 feet away.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of short-throw projectors:


  • They require less space and can be installed or placed closer to the screen
  • They create fewer shadows and glare because the projector is closer to the screen
  • They can be used in smaller rooms or environments where space is limited


  • They are typically more expensive than long-throw projectors
  • They may have lower brightness and resolution compared to long-throw projectors

Long-Throw Projectors

Long-throw projectors are designed to project images over long distances, typically 10 feet or more away from the screen. These projectors are ideal for large rooms or environments where space is not limited. They are typically ceiling mounted and project images onto a large screen or wall. Long-throw projectors typically have a throw ratio of greater than 1.2:1, which means that they need to be placed farther away from the screen to project a large image.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of long-throw projectors:


  • They are typically less expensive than short-throw projectors
  • They have higher brightness and resolution compared to short-throw projectors
  • They are ideal for larger rooms or environments where space is not limited


  • They require more space and cannot be installed or placed close to the screen
  • They create more shadows and glare because the projector is farther away from the screen


In conclusion, both short-throw and long-throw projectors have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between these two types of projectors depends on your specific needs and budget. If you have a small room or limited space, a short-throw projector may be the best option for you. However, if you have a large room or require higher brightness and resolution, a long-throw projector may be a better choice. Ultimately, it's important to do your research and choose the projector that best meets your needs.


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